Home / University of Wisconsin-Madison 2020 Commencement Address by James Patterson

University of Wisconsin-Madison 2020 Commencement Address by James Patterson

Speech worth reading

Key learnings in this blog are:

  • Passion for Storytelling: Patterson shares his journey of becoming a storyteller, emphasizing the power of stories.
  • Importance of Perseverance: Encourages graduates to persist in their endeavors, highlighting his own challenges.
  • Value of Reading and Writing: Stresses the critical role of reading and writing in personal and societal growth.
  • Giving Back: Advocates for using one’s talents and success to give back to the community and make a difference.
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University of Wisconsin-Madison 2020 Commencement Address by James Patterson

Like a painter before a blank canvas, you stand at the precipice of an exploration into the profound commencement address given by James Patterson at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2020. You’ll navigate the curves of Patterson’s narrative, a bestselling author whose words not only fill the pages of thrilling novels but also resonate on the stage of one of America’s leading universities.

His speech, brimming with life lessons and reflective insights, is a beacon for both graduates and those eager for a dose of inspiration. As we dissect Patterson’s address, you’ll discover the power of his narrative and how it might influence your perspective on life’s challenges.

But, you’ll have to stick around a bit longer to uncover the full depth of Patterson’s wisdom.


In the midst of unprecedented global challenges, James Patterson delivered a commencement address to the class of 2020 at the University of Wisconsin-Madison that was both humorous and deeply inspiring. Unlike the traditional ceremony at Camp Randall, Patterson’s speech was shared from his kitchen, humorously dubbed Camp Patterson. This setting underscored the adaptability and resilience facing graduates amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

James Patterson, a renowned author known for his compelling storytelling, shared personal anecdotes and valuable life lessons. The speech resonated with graduates not only for its relevance during a time of uncertainty but also for Patterson’s genuine connection with the audience—despite the virtual format. His message of persistence, resilience, and finding balance in life’s juggling act offered a beacon of hope and guidance for navigating the challenging times ahead.

Key Takeaways

Here are 4 key takeaways from James Patterson’s University of Wisconsin-Madison Commencement Address:

  • Perseverance and persistence are essential for success.
  • Overcoming challenges builds character and resilience.
  • The power of influence can be used for the greater good.
  • Literature has the power to inspire, connect, and educate.


Embarking on Patterson’s narrative, we uncover the essence of perseverance, balance, and educational value through the lens of a graduate’s journey.

This story not only reflects the relentless pursuit of success amidst life’s uncertainties but also emphasizes the importance of personal fulfillment and the profound impact of a Wisconsin education.

Patterson’s insights offer a roadmap for navigating challenges with resilience, underlining the critical balance between professional achievements and personal well-being.

Persistence Amidst Uncertainty

In Patterson’s narrative, the job seeker’s relentless pursuit in the face of repeated rejections is a powerful illustration of the kind of determination and resilience that graduates are encouraged to embody. This story isn’t just about the struggle of finding a job; it’s a broader lesson on the importance of persevering through life’s uncertainties.

Patterson skillfully uses this tale to highlight how each setback can be a stepping stone to greater opportunities, if only one refuses to give up. The message is clear: the path to success is rarely straightforward or easy, but with persistence, the rewards can be significant.

For graduates standing at the threshold of their futures, this story serves as a reminder that while the road ahead may be filled with challenges and unknowns, their dreams and goals are achievable with sustained effort and resilience.

This metaphor extends beyond the job search, applying to all aspects of life, encouraging graduates to embrace uncertainty with courage and a steadfast spirit.

Personal Lessons on Life’s Balance

Patterson’s insights into achieving a harmonious balance in life draw upon his personal journey, where he navigated the fine line between professional achievements and the richness of personal fulfillment. Through poignant storytelling, he shares how the quest for success in the workplace often led him to overlook the fundamental pillars of a truly rewarding life: health, family, and spirit.

His narrative serves as a gentle yet profound reminder to the graduates about the transient nature of work-related accomplishments and the lasting value of moments spent with loved ones, in personal growth, and in spiritual fulfillment. Patterson underscores the idea that true success is not measured by professional milestones alone but by how well one nurtures the essence of their being and the quality of their relationships.

This lesson is particularly pertinent in today’s fast-paced world, where the demands of work can overshadow personal well-being. Graduates are encouraged to take this wisdom to heart, striving not only for career advancement but also for a rich, balanced life that values self-care, connections, and personal values equally.

The Value of a Wisconsin Education

In his concluding remarks, Patterson pays tribute to the profound impact of a Wisconsin education on preparing graduates for the complexities of life. He articulates how the rigorous academic environment, combined with the diverse cultural and social experiences offered at Wisconsin, equips students with not just knowledge, but with a critical mindset and resilience essential for navigating life’s challenges.

This endorsement goes beyond the confines of academic achievements; it’s an acknowledgment of how the institution molds individuals ready to contribute meaningally to society. Patterson’s narrative stresses that the education received at Wisconsin is not just about the accumulation of facts but about shaping character, fostering innovation, and encouraging a lifelong pursuit of learning.

As graduates ready themselves to step into the world, this recognition of their alma mater’s role in their development is both an affirmation of their current achievements and a beacon guiding their future endeavors. The value of their education lies not only in the degree they hold but in the comprehensive preparation they’ve received for making informed decisions, tackling societal challenges, and leading with integrity and wisdom.


In reflecting on James Patterson’s University of Wisconsin-Madison Commencement Address, 3 key learnings emerge, drawing from his insightful narratives and personal anecdotes:

Embracing Resilience and Persistence

Patterson’s address underscores the importance of resilience and persistence in the face of uncertainty and adversity:

  • Staying determined despite challenges: His emphasis on persistence, illustrated through the story of a graduate’s repeated job applications, showcases the importance of not giving up in the face of rejection.
  • Building resilience through setbacks: Patterson’s personal stories and the fictional narrative of job-seeking highlight how setbacks can be stepping stones to success, building a resilient character.
  • Inspiring perseverance in others: Through his own example and the stories he shares, Patterson inspires graduates to adopt a persistent approach to life’s challenges, fostering a culture of determination and resilience.

Finding Balance in Life’s Priorities

Patterson’s speech offers valuable insights into achieving a balanced life, emphasizing the fragility of certain aspects over others:

  • Prioritizing health, family, and spirit: The metaphor of juggling balls signifies the importance of maintaining balance between work, family, health, friends, and spirit, urging graduates to care for the glass balls.
  • Recognizing work as a rubber ball: Patterson’s perspective that work can bounce back highlights the resilience of career paths and the importance of not sacrificing other aspects of life for professional achievements.
  • Valuing every moment and relationship: His recounting of personal loss reminds us to cherish every moment and relationship, reinforcing the importance of not letting the pursuit of career overshadow life’s truly valuable aspects.

The Power of Adaptability and Continuous Learning

Patterson’s address illuminates the necessity of adaptability and the commitment to lifelong learning in navigating life’s unpredictability:

  • Embracing change with adaptability: The current global challenges and Patterson’s virtual address itself demonstrate the need to adapt to circumstances beyond our control, showing that flexibility can lead to positive outcomes.
  • Committing to lifelong learning: Patterson encourages the graduates to view the end of their college education not as the end of learning but as the beginning of a lifelong journey of growth and discovery.
  • Leveraging education for future challenges: Highlighting the superior education received at Wisconsin, Patterson reminds graduates of the importance of applying their knowledge and skills to overcome future challenges, emphasizing that their education has equipped them for the uncertain future.

James Patterson’s University of Wisconsin Madison Commencement Speech

Hi. I’m James Patterson and you’re the wonderful class of 2020. You know, I love this gown. I love it.
The university expects me to give it back, but I think I’m going to hold onto it until the shelter-in-place is over. I know you were hoping that we’d meet at Camp Randall. Me too. I love Camp Randall. But here I am in the kitchen at Camp Patterson.

You know, the Patterson family is going through what you’re going through right now. Our son, Jack, was supposed to graduate from Brown next week. Brown. Good school; not much of a football team. Here’s what Jack and I talk about a lot.

Worrying Probably doesn’t help. Complaining doesn’t help, plus everybody hates complainers.

Watching CNN or Fox News all day definitely doesn’t help. Hey, it’s hard right now, but it’s been hard before. When I graduated from college, the war in Vietnam was raging. There was a draft and that sucked. When my dad graduated, he got shipped off to Europe and World War II. So, here we are at, well, camp your house. The job market is probably going to be tricky. I’d like to suggest persistence and resilience. Here’s an example of persistence and resilience. Kind of a made up job interview.

Hi, I’m Jenny Smith. I’m a recent Wisconsin graduate. We’re not hiring. A week passes. Hi, I’m Jenny Smith– not hiring. Another week goes by.
Hi, I’m still Jenny Smith. Still not hiring. The following week. Hi, I’m– oh, hi, Jenny Smith, Wisconsin graduate. This is your lucky day. And your lucky day will come. OK, I have to get this off my chest. I didn’t go to Wisconsin. My wife, Sue, did. My wife’s parents did. All of Sue’s aunts and uncles, cousins, neighbors, friends, enemies– they all went. They’re all Badgers. Before I married Sue, I had to sign a Badger prenup.

I had no idea what I was signing. Since we’ve been married, I’ve had to watch every single Badger football game, every Badger basketball game, every Badger volleyball game, swim meet, cross country meet, table tennis match. I’ve eaten over 50 different flavors of Babcock ice cream.

We now eat brats for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner. I have a one breakfast free for every 10 card at Mickies Dairy Bar. I really do.
Our only son was baptized Bucky. I refuse to talk to anyone who attended Michigan or even roots for Michigan– that includes one of my sisters.
I tell stories for a living, so let me tell you a couple of stories. This one is about achieving some kind of balance in your life and that’s never been more important. Imagine life is as a game in which you are juggling five balls in the air. You name the balls work, family, health, friends, and spirit,
and somehow you’re keeping all those balls in the air.

Hopefully you come to understand that

Work is a rubber ball. If you drop it or if you can’t find a job right away, that rubber ball will bounce back. But the other four balls– family, health, friends, and spirit– are made of glass.

If you drop one of them, they will be irrevocably scuffed, marked, nicked, damaged, or even shattered. They will never be the same. And once you understand that, maybe, just maybe, you strive for more balance in your life. That’s the way it’s worked for me. Tough breaks happen in life. They just do. They’re happening to all you guys right now.

When I was in my early 30s, I was in love with a woman named Jane Hall Blanchard. One Saturday morning, Jane and I went to breakfast.
Then we stopped at the post office on Broadway in New York City. Jane suddenly fell to the floor. We both thought she was dying. We found out that Jane had an inoperable brain tumor and about a year to live. Jane was 34. I was 32. At that point, we told one another a story.

It’s a powerful story for anyone facing the loss of a loved one. The story, the point of view that Jane and I took, was this. We said to ourselves, isn’t it lucky that you didn’t die that day in the post office and we have today to take this beautiful walk or go and look at the Hudson River or go out with our best friends, and that story made the next year incredibly precious for both of us.

All of us know that we’re dying, but suddenly Jane and I really knew and we really understood it and we lived our lives like that. Live your lives like that. Somebody wise– probably Gandhi– said,

Live as if you were going to die tomorrow; learn as if you were to live forever.

That’s pretty cool. So, you’re probably going to have some free time on your hands.

You’re Badgers. Use the time wisely. Read all those books you didn’t have time for in college. Think things through. I know you’ve thought a lot about this, but here’s what finding the right career is all about. Two steps.

Step one: What are you really passionate about?
Step two: What are you pretty good at?

If those two steps don’t work, then get a damn job like the rest of us. OK. Here’s the good news and this is very good news. You have all received a superior education here. Not in my kitchen.

At Wisconsin. There’s never been a better time to make use of everything you learned in school. You are prepared for this. You’re ready.

You are the best and you are the brightest. Go, you beautiful Badgers. Go Badgers! On Wisconsin! Love you! And remember this–no one will ever forget the class of 2020.


In essence, Patterson’s address was a beacon, illuminating the path to success and resilience. His words resonated deeply, encouraging you to navigate life’s labyrinth with tenacity and courage.

His metaphorical torchlight serves as a reminder that hardships are merely stepping stones to greatness. So, like Patterson, embrace your journey with grit and grace.

After all, it’s not the destination, but the voyage that shapes us.


You can read the rest of the speech collection here:

Speech Collection

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