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The Courage to Overcome Challenges by Robin Roberts

Speech worth reading

Key learnings in this blog are:

  • Embracing Vulnerability: Roberts showcases the strength found in vulnerability, sharing her personal battles and triumphs.
  • Unity in Adversity: She emphasizes the power of unity and support in overcoming life’s toughest challenges.
  • Perseverance and Hope: Highlights her unwavering perseverance and the importance of maintaining hope in the darkest times.
  • Celebrating Every Victory: Encourages celebrating all victories, big and small, in life and in sports, as each is a testament to human spirit and resilience.
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The Courage to Overcome Challenges by Robin Roberts

Imagine standing at the foot of a towering mountain, its peak obscured by clouds, a symbol of the challenges you’re facing.

Robin Roberts, in her poignant piece ‘The Courage to Overcome Challenges’, describes this exact scenario, yet she isn’t just standing there in awe. She’s lacing up her boots, testing her gear, and taking that first, resolute step.

You’re pulled into her world of resilience and tenacity, where vulnerability isn’t weakness but the cornerstone of strength.

We’ll explore her journey, the lessons she offers, and how her courage can inspire you to conquer your own mountains.

Will you join us on this ascent?


In 2013, Robin Roberts, a renowned broadcaster and anchor of ABC’s “Good Morning America,” delivered an inspiring speech at the ESPY Awards, where she was honored with the Arthur Ashe Courage Award. This accolade is given to individuals who embody the spirit and determination of tennis legend Arthur Ashe, showcasing strength in the face of adversity, courage in the face of peril, and the willingness to stand up for their beliefs.

Roberts’ speech was deeply moving, reflecting on her battles with breast cancer and myelodysplastic syndrome, a rare blood disorder. She emphasized the importance of resilience, gratitude, and the power of a positive attitude in overcoming life’s challenges. Roberts shared her personal mantra, “Make your mess your message,” encouraging others to find strength in their struggles and to use their experiences to inspire and help others.

The speech resonated widely, highlighting Roberts’ role as a symbol of courage and hope. Her ability to face life-threatening illnesses with grace and determination, while maintaining a commitment to her career and using her platform to raise awareness about health issues, left a lasting impact on audiences. Roberts’ ESPY speech remains a powerful testament to the human capacity for resilience and the transformative power of sharing one’s story to uplift others.

Key Takeaways

Here are 4 key takeaways from Robin Roberts’s talk on overcoming challenges highlight resilience, gratitude, and courage in adversity:

  • Seeking support and accepting help strengthens resolve and ignites faith in oneself and in the power of community.
  • Embracing vulnerability and seeking help builds resilience and unlocks inner strength.
  • Love, faith, and support from others provide a sense of direction, purpose, and emotional balance.
  • Admitting vulnerability and seeking help is a sign of strength and leads to personal growth and thriving amidst adversity.


In exploring Robin Roberts’s speech, we discover a narrative deeply rooted in resilience, profoundly supported by her sister, Sally-Ann, and enriched by the inspiring legacies of Arthur Ashe and Jim Valvano. Her journey exemplifies the power of communal strength and individual advocacy in overcoming adversity.

Join us in delving into her story, a testament to the human spirit’s capacity for endurance, compassion, and the transformative impact of support and service.

A Journey of Resilience and Support

In her compelling narrative, Roberts doesn’t shy away from detailing the challenges she faced throughout her career and her personal battles with severe illnesses. Her story is one of remarkable resilience, underpinned by the unwavering support of family, friends, and even strangers. She speaks with profound gratitude about the people who stood by her during her most vulnerable moments, particularly highlighting the pivotal role her sister, Sally-Ann, played as her bone marrow donor.

This act of love and sacrifice not only saved Roberts’s life but also served as a powerful testament to the strength and importance of familial bonds in overcoming life’s hurdles.

Roberts’s anecdotes extend beyond her gratitude towards her sister, encompassing the wider network of support that has been crucial to her recovery and well-being. She illuminates the myriad ways in which support can manifest, from emotional encouragement to practical assistance, emphasizing that such support is foundational to navigating and overcoming life’s challenges.

Through her journey, Roberts showcases how adversity can be met with courage and determination, bolstered by the love and support of those around us, illustrating the profound impact of communal strength and solidarity in the face of personal trials.

Living by Arthur Ashe’s Example

Roberts reflects deeply on the influence that Arthur Ashe, the legendary tennis player and humanitarian, has had on her life and career. Ashe’s commitment to using his platform to advocate for social causes and to serve others resonated with Roberts, inspiring her to follow in his footsteps.

She shares how Ashe’s example taught her the value of leveraging one’s visibility and resources to make a difference in the world, beyond the confines of personal success and accolades. Roberts embodies this philosophy by actively engaging in philanthropy and advocacy, aiming to use her own journey and platform to inspire and support others.

Embracing Arthur Ashe’s legacy, Roberts emphasizes the importance of service and giving back, highlighting how individuals can create significant positive change when they channel their efforts towards the betterment of others. She advocates for the idea that everyone, regardless of their profession or status, has the capacity to contribute to society in meaningful ways.

Through her actions and words, Roberts not only honors Ashe’s memory but also encourages others to live by his example, promoting a culture of empathy, generosity, and active engagement in addressing societal challenges.

Carrying Forward Jim Valvano’s Legacy

Reflecting on the powerful message of Jim Valvano during his memorable speech at the first Arthur Ashe Courage Award, Roberts shares how it left an indelible mark on her life. Valvano’s call to action, emphasizing the critical need for cancer research and funding, struck a chord with Roberts, particularly in light of her own health struggles.

She connects her personal story of survival to the broader impact of Valvano’s advocacy, underscoring the ongoing necessity for community support, research, and donations to combat cancer effectively. Through her narrative, Roberts highlights the collective responsibility to support life-saving initiatives, illustrating how individual contributions can lead to significant advancements in treatment and care.

Roberts’s commitment to carrying forward Valvano’s legacy is evident in her own advocacy and public speaking, where she often highlights the importance of cancer research and encourages public participation in fundraising and awareness campaigns. By linking her survival to the progress made possible through research and community support, Roberts not only honors Valvano’s legacy but also reinforces the message that everyone has a role to play in the fight against cancer.

Her dedication to this cause reflects a broader commitment to using her platform for advocacy, showcasing how personal experiences can inspire public action and contribute to the collective effort to save lives and improve health outcomes for all.


The ‘Courage to Overcome Challenges’ by Robin Roberts, there are 3 key learnings. Let’s delve into each:

The Power of Resilience

Harnessing the power of resilience, you can face life’s trials head-on, drawing strength from the love, faith, and support around you. Life’s challenges may seem daunting, but remember, true strength lies in the ability to endure, to bounce back, and to grow from these trials.

Factors Description Impact
Love The emotional support from loved ones can serve as a pillar of strength. Helps maintain emotional balance and positivity.
Faith Believing in a higher power or purpose gives hope and courage. Provides a sense of direction and purpose.
Support A strong support network provides resources and a sense of belonging. Aids in overcoming challenges and fosters resilience.

Your courage to seek help shows self-awareness and humility, reinforcing your resilience. Accepting help, whether it’s emotional, spiritual, or physical, isn’t a sign of weakness—it’s a testament to your strength. The power of community can provide you with resources, a sense of belonging, and above all, resilience. Remember, your true strength is in your resilience, the courage to face adversity, and the wisdom to accept and draw strength from the love, faith, and support around you.

Embracing the Support of Others

Roberts’ narrative underscores the vital role of community and compassionate care in navigating personal trials:

  • Finding Strength in Community: Emphasizes that overcoming obstacles is significantly aided by the support and affection from a network of friends, family, and the wider community, highlighting that challenges are better faced together.
  • The Impact of Kindness and Encouragement: Illustrates how the moral and emotional support from those around us, including gestures from strangers, can be a critical source of strength during tough times.
  • The Role of Health Professionals: Recognizes the essential contribution of healthcare workers, whose commitment and empathy are fundamental to the recovery and well-being of patients, spotlighting the impact of care that goes beyond professional obligation.

This perspective sheds light on the power of solidarity and empathetic care in fostering resilience and recovery.

The Importance of Giving Back

Roberts draws inspiration from figures like Arthur Ashe to emphasize service and advocacy as core components of a meaningful life:

  • Service as a Path to Fulfillment: Highlights the significance of leveraging personal achievements as a means to support and uplift others, suggesting that true fulfillment arises from contributing to the welfare of the community.
  • Making a Difference Through Action: Encourages proactive engagement in efforts like cancer research and support initiatives, demonstrating how individual actions can aggregate to produce meaningful progress and potentially save lives.
  • Legacy of Hope and Action: Advocates for participation in initiatives like bone marrow registries and cancer research funding, presenting this involvement as a powerful method for inspiring hope and promoting healing across communities.

Roberts’ message champions the notion that giving back is not just a responsibility but a source of profound personal and communal enrichment, underlining the importance of active contribution to societal well-being.

‘The Courage to Overcome Challenges’ Speech

Thank you very much. Thank you, thank you. You know, at this moment I’m filled with such gratitude. Thanks to Mrs. Obama for her warm words and to LeBron for graciously adding to this immense honour. My mama was from Akron, Ohio and she loved her some King James, and she’s smiling down on us right now. So thank you, thank you very much.

It’s a moment I couldn’t even begin to dream of when I began my career, you heard me, I just wanted to be the best sports journalist that I could be. I wanted to be a pro athlete, that’s what I really wanted to be. I wanted to be a pro athlete but there’s something called … wait a minute, what is that again? Oh yes, ability, that you must have. So I am in awe of your vast accomplishments, and to be in your company tonight, and in the company of some old, dear friends at ESPN.

I realise there are many worthy of holding this honour. Others who have exhibited far more courage, strength, and resilience, and it’s humbling for me to represent you tonight.

I draw strength from you. You give me the courage to face down any challenge, to know that when fear knocks, to let faith answer the door.

Those of us who are fortunate to have overcome some form of illness or adversity are often told that we are strong. I didn’t find that strength on my own, it’s a quality that grew with every kind word of support, every prayer, every tweet, every email, every phone call. I gained strength from the doctors and nurses who checked on me long after their shift was over. From those I knew, and others I may never know, who took time out of their busy lives to reach out and let me know they were thinking of me, they were praying for me, every step of my journey.

Through it all, I learned that strength, true strength, isn’t when you face down life’s challenges on your own, it’s when you take them on by accepting the help, faith, and love of others and knowing you are lucky to have those.

Arthur Ashe was a dear, dear friend of mine, as you heard. He taught me the importance of using the platform we were blessed to be given to be of service to others, and he showed me, he showed all us that, through his selfless actions off the court.

You heard me, Mama used to say, “Make your mess your message.” Find the meaning behind whatever it is you’re going through because everybody’s got something. And I am grateful to Bob Iger and Anne Sweeney for their compassion and support in helping me through my something, for helping me deliver my message of hope and to be a symbol of, “This too shall pass.”

My family and dear friends, man, their unconditional love brings me to tears. They make me believe that this isn’t my fight, but rather our fight. My big sister, Sally-Ann, my donor. I wouldn’t be standing here, heck, I wouldn’t be standing anywhere, if it were not for you and I thank you for that. It’s very easy to spot sister Sally, she’s always the one like, “Yes Jesus, yes, yes lord, yes, yes.” That’s sister Sally, sister Sally will set you free.

Lastly, I remember when Jim Valvano was the first recipient of the Arthur Ashe Courage award and I was standing backstage. I was backstage, the next presenter on after Jimmy V, when he accepted the honour with an inspiring speech that touched us all, and still does. That night, in establishing the V Foundation for Cancer Research, Jim said, “We need your help, I need your help. We need money for research. It may not save my life, it may save my children’s, it may save someone you love.”

And I’ve been blessed to achieve things in life I could never have imagined as that little girl growing up in Mississippi. But most of all, I never imagined that I’d be able to be standing here 20 years after Jimmy V’s speech and say that because of everyone who has responded to his challenge, because of all the donations, research, and support, mine is one of the lives that’s been saved.

And now I ask you to save someone else, give strength to someone else, join, if you can, the bone marrow registry, donate to make more research possible, take part in clinical trials, as I have and my sister has. And thanks to my dream charm of doctors and nurses, I now have, I literally have my sister’s DNA. But all of you here tonight and you there at home, and especially my wonderful, caring ESPN and ABC GMA family, yes I have my sister’s DNA, but you will always have my heart. And I thank you …


In the face of life’s storms, you’re not alone. Picture yourself leaning into the wind, drawing strength from those around you. Embrace the courage to ask for help—it’s not a sign of weakness but of resilience.

Cherish the love that bolsters you, the faith that guides you, and the community that supports you. Through overcoming challenges, you become a beacon of hope, inspiring others with your story. Remember, your strength is your message.

So, let’s support cancer research and bone marrow registry together.


You can read the rest of the speech collection here:

Speech Collection

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