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Enough by John C. Bogle

Speech worth reading

Key learnings in this blog are:

  • Wealth vs. Worth: Bogle distinguishes between accumulating wealth and achieving personal worth, advocating for balance.
  • Pursuit of Fulfillment: Urges reevaluating life’s goals beyond financial success to include personal fulfillment and happiness.
  • Ethical Success: Emphasizes integrity and ethical considerations in professional life as foundational to true success.
  • Measure of Enough: Encourages reflection on what constitutes ‘enough’, promoting contentment and gratitude over constant striving.
Read the Speech Collection
Enough by John C. Bogle

In his insightful discourse, ‘Enough’, John C. Bogle, an esteemed figure in the financial sector, challenges prevalent perspectives on wealth and success. He examines the dramatic evolution of the U.S. economy, offering a critical perspective on the ascendance of finance and its influence on our values.

Moreover, Bogle’s blend of ethics and business strategy poses pertinent questions: What is the true cost of our relentless pursuit of wealth? And how can we reconcile professional success with ethical responsibility? This discussion invites us to reexamine our definitions of success and the role finance plays in shaping our world.


Delivered by John C. Bogle in May 2007 at Georgetown University, the speech ‘Enough’ carries a profound message for future business leaders.

John C. Bogle, the esteemed founder of The Vanguard Group, uses a poignant story involving renowned authors Kurt Vonnegut and Joseph Heller to emphasize the significance of ‘enough’ in the realms of business and entrepreneurship.

The speech delves into the shifting dynamics of the U.S. economy, moving from an agricultural foundation to the prevailing dominance of the financial sector. Bogle critically examines this transition and its far-reaching implications, particularly focusing on the evolution of money management from a noble profession to a profit-driven business model that often prioritizes extraction over service.

Throughout the speech, Bogle imparts valuable investment advice, stressing the importance of upholding professional values and prioritizing the best interests of clients in a landscape where such principles can easily be overshadowed.

Key Takeaways

Here are 4 key takeaways from ‘Enough’ by John C. Bogle that encapsulate the essence of finding contentment and ethical living in finance and life:

  • John C. Bogle emphasizes the importance of ‘enough’ in business, steering away from excessive financial extraction.
  • The financial economy’s dominance, despite diminishing value to businesses, raises concerns about its impact on the overall economy.
  • Bogle advises investing in low-cost index funds and upholding professional values in money management to serve clients’ best interests.
  • Closing on an ethical note, Bogle underscores the significance of kindness, good deeds, and considering societal impact in financial decisions.


In John C. Bogle’s ‘Enough’, the subtopic of ‘Story’ is encapsulated through a conversation between authors Kurt Vonnegut and Joseph Heller, providing an understanding of the concept of ‘enough’.

Examining this narrative will allow us to critically evaluate its relevance and implications in the broader context of business and entrepreneurship.

Vonnegut and Heller’s Conversation

Setting the tone for his discourse, Bogle utilizes an engaging anecdote involving famed authors Kurt Vonnegut and Joseph Heller, a story that effectively underscores the central theme of his address— the profound significance of ‘enough’ in business and entrepreneurship.

During an opulent party hosted by a billionaire, Vonnegut playfully teases Heller about the host surpassing him in wealth, to which Heller retorts that he has something the host lacks – the knowledge of having ‘enough’. This exchange elucidates Bogle’s message about the pitfalls of unbridled capitalism and the pursuit of wealth.

It propounds a deeper understanding of value, emphasizing the importance of contentment and moral integrity over monetary gain, thus setting the stage for Bogle’s ensuing discourse.

Understanding Enough

Drawing upon the poignant exchange between Vonnegut and Heller, Bogle delves deeper into the conceptual understanding of ‘enough’, highlighting its profound relevance in business realms. He asserts that the concept of ‘enough’ is not merely a quantitative measure, but rather a qualitative state of contentment, fulfillment, and moral integrity.

Bogle emphasizes that the pursuit of ‘enough’, contrary to the insatiable quest for more, fosters a sense of satisfaction that transcends material wealth. This insight, framed within the context of the story, underscores the need for balance between ambition and ethics. It challenges the prevalent culture of excess in the business world, urging a shift towards a more sustainable, equitable, and humane approach to entrepreneurship.

Impact on Business Ethics

Through the lens of the conversation between Vonnegut and Heller, Bogle presents a compelling argument about the significant influence of the concept of ‘enough’ on business ethics. He asserts that the pursuit of excessive profits often leads to compromised ethical standards, undermining the very fabric of business integrity.

This relentless chase, Bogle argues, detracts from the core purpose of businesses to create value and serve society. The notion of ‘enough’ thus becomes a critical ethical barometer, encouraging restraint and promoting responsibility.


In analyzing the learnings from John C. Bogle’s ‘Enough’, 3 key learnings emerge. Let’s delve into each:

Economic Shift Implications

Bogle’s observations on the economic transformation underscore the profound changes in the financial sector’s role within the economy:

  • Financial sector’s growth: The shift to finance as a dominant economic force raises questions about its contribution to societal wealth.
  • From profession to business: The evolution of money management highlights a trend towards value extraction, overshadowing the sector’s foundational principles of serving the client’s best interest.
  • Call for value-driven practices: Bogle advocates for a return to professional values that prioritize ethical considerations and the well-being of clients.

This shift invites a reevaluation of how financial services operate and their impact on the broader economy, urging a balance between profitability and social responsibility.

Investment Strategy Insights

Bogle’s approach to investment offers practical strategies for navigating the modern financial landscape while upholding professional integrity:

  • Advocacy for low-cost index funds: Emphasizing the importance of minimizing expenses to protect long-term returns, particularly for retirement savings.
  • Broad-market, buy-and-hold strategy: Recommending diversified investments in both U.S. and global stock markets to mitigate risk and ensure steady growth.
  • Ethical investment practices: Encouraging financial professionals to focus on strategies that serve the client’s interests and contribute positively to society.

These strategies provide a blueprint for making informed, effective investment choices that respect both financial and ethical considerations.

Ethical Financial Decisions

Beyond investment strategies, Bogle stresses the critical importance of ethics in financial decision-making:

  • Duty to serve clients: Highlighting the ethical obligation of financial professionals to prioritize their clients’ needs over personal gain.
  • Shift from business to profession: Advocating for a return to a value-creation model, where the focus is on contributing positively to clients and society.
  • Combating antisocial financial activities: Encouraging practices that align financial decisions with broader societal values, aiming to mitigate the negative impacts of profit-driven motives.

Bogle’s call for ethical financial decision-making resonates as a clarion call for integrity, responsibility, and altruism in the financial sector.

Speech on Embracing ‘Enough’

Here’s how I recall the wonderful story that sets the theme for my remarks today: At a party given by a billionaire on Shelter Island, the late Kurt Vonnegut informs his pal, the author Joseph Heller, that their host, a hedge fund manager, had made more money in a single day than Heller had earned from his wildly popular novel Catch 22 over its whole history. Heller responds, “Yes, but I have something he will never have . . . Enough.”

Enough. I was stunned by its simple eloquence, to say nothing of its relevance to some of the vital issues arising in American society today. Many of them revolve around money—yes, money—increasingly, in our “bottom line” society, the Great God of prestige, the Great Measure of the Man (and Woman). So this morning I have the temerity to ask you soon-to-be-minted MBA graduates, most of whom will enter the world of commerce, to consider with me the role of “enough” in business and entrepreneurship in our society, “enough” in the dominant role of the financial system in our economy, and “enough” in the values you will bring to the fields you choose for your careers.

Kurt Vonnegut loved to speak to college students. He believed, if I may paraphrase here, that “we should catch young people before they become CEOs, investment bankers, consultants, and money managers (and especially hedge fund managers), and do our best to poison their minds with humanity.” And in my remarks this morning, I’ll try to poison your minds with a little bit of that humanity.

Over the past two centuries, our nation has moved from being an agricultural economy, to a manufacturing economy, to a service economy, and now to a predominantly financial economy. But our financial economy, by definition, subtracts from the value created by our productive businesses. Think about it: while the owners of business enjoy the dividend yields and earnings growth that our capitalistic system creates, those who play in the financial markets capture those investment gains only after the costs of financial intermediation are deducted. Thus, while investing in American business is a winner’s game, beating the stock market before those costs is a zero-sum game. But after intermediation costs are deducted, beating the market—for all of us as a group—becomes a loser’s game.

Yes, the more that our financial system takes, the less our investors make. Yet the financial field is where the money is made in modern-day America, the breeding ground for the wealthiest of our citizens. (If you made less than $140 million dollars last year, you didn’t make enough to rank among the 25 highest-paid hedge fund managers.) When we add up all those hedge fund fees, all those mutual fund management fees and operating expenses; all those commissions to brokerage firms and fees to financial advisors; investment banking and legal fees for all those mergers and IPOs; and the enormous marketing and advertising expenses entailed in the distribution of financial products, we’re talking about some $500 billion dollars per year. That sum, extracted from whatever returns the stock and bond markets are generous enough to deliver to investors, is surely enough, if you will, to seriously undermine the odds in favor of success for our citizens who are accumulating savings for retirement.

Yet the fact is that the finance sector has become by far our nation’s largest generator of corporate profits, larger even than the combined profits of our huge energy and health care sectors, and almost three times as much as either manufacturing or information technology. Twenty–five years ago, financials accounted for only about 6 percent of the earnings of the 500 giant corporations that compose the Standard & Poor’s 500 Stock Index. Ten years ago, the financial sector share had risen to 20 percent. And last year, the financial sector profits had soared to an all-time high of 27 percent. If we add the earnings of the financial affiliates of our giant manufacturers (think General Electric Capital, for example, or the auto financing arms of General Motors and Ford) to this total, financial earnings now likely exceed 33 percent of the earnings of the S&P 500. While that share may or may not be enough, it seems likely to continue to grow, at least for a while.

We’re moving, or so it seems, to a world where we’re no longer making anything in this country; we’re merely trading pieces of paper, swapping stocks and bonds back and forth with one another, and paying our financial croupiers a veritable fortune. We’re also adding even more costs by creating ever more complex financial derivatives in which huge and unfathomable risks are being built into our financial system. “When enterprise becomes a mere bubble on a whirlpool of speculation,” as the great British economist John Maynard Keynes warned us 70 years ago, the consequences may be dire. “When the capital development of a country becomes a by-product of the activities of a casino, the job of capitalism is likely to be ill-done.”

Once a profession in which business was subservient, the field of money management and Wall Street has become a business in which the profession is subservient. Harvard Business School Professor Rakesh Khurana was right when he defined the conduct of a true professional with these words:

            I will create value for society, rather than extract it.

And yet money management, by definition, extracts value from the returns earned by our business enterprises. Warren Buffett’s wise partner Charlie Munger lays it on the line:

“Most money-making activity contains profoundly antisocial effects . . . As high cost modalities become ever more popular . . . the activity exacerbates the current harmful trend in which ever more of the nation’s ethical young brain-power is attracted into lucrative money-management and its attendant modern frictions, as distinguished from work providing much more value to others.”

But I’m not telling you not to go into the highly-profitable field of managing money. Rather, I present three caveats:

  1. If you do enter this field, do so with your eyes wide open, recognizing that any endeavor that extracts value from its clients may, in times more troubled than these, find that it has been hoist by its own petard. It is said on Wall Street, correctly, that “money has no conscience,” but don’t allow that truism to let you ignore your own conscience, nor to alter your own conduct and character.
  2. When you begin to invest so that you will have enough for your own retirement many decades hence, do so in a way that minimizes the extraction by the financial community of the returns generated by business. This is, yes, a sort of self serving recommendation to invest in low-cost all-U.S.—and global—stock market index funds, the only way to guarantee your fair share of whatever returns our financial markets are generous enough to provide.
  3. No matter what career you choose, do your best to hold high its traditional professional values, now swiftly eroding, in which serving the client is always the highest priority. And don’t ignore the greater good of your community, your nation, and your world. After William Penn, “we pass through this world but once, so do now any good you can do, and show now any kindness you can show, for we shall not pass this way again.”

Most commencement speakers like to sum up by citing some eminent philosopher to endorse his message. I’m no exception. So I now offer to you new Masters of Business Administration these words from Socrates, spoken 2500 years ago, as he challenged the citizens of Athens.

“I honor and love you: but why do you who are citizens of this great and mighty nation care so much about laying up the greatest amount of money and honor and reputation, and so little about wisdom and truth and the greatest improvement of the soul. Are you not ashamed of this? . . . I do nothing but go about persuading you all, not to take thought for your persons and your properties, but first and chiefly to care about the greatest improvement of the soul. I tell you that virtue is not given by money, but that from virtue comes money and every other good of man.”

I close by returning to Kurt Vonnegut’s story, which, when I finally tracked it down, turned out to be a poem. It’s delightful; even better, it’s only 92 words long:

True story, Word of Honor:
Joseph Heller, an important and funny writer
now dead,
and I were at a party given by a billionaire
on Shelter Island.
I said, “Joe, how does it make you feel
to know that our host only yesterday
may have made more money
than your novel ‘Catch-22’
has earned in its entire history?”
And Joe said, “I’ve got something he can never have.”
And I said, “What on earth could that be, Joe?”
And Joe said, “The knowledge that I’ve got enough.”
Not bad! Rest in Peace!

But it’s not time for any of you to rest in peace, or to rest in any other way. Bright futures lie before you. There’s the world’s work to be done, and there are never enough citizens with determined hearts, courageous character, intelligent minds, and idealistic souls to do it. Yes, our world already has quite enough guns, political platitudes, arrogance, disingenuousness, self interest, snobbishness, superficiality, war, and the certainty that God is on one side or the other. But it never has enough conscience, nor enough tolerance, idealism, justice, compassion, wisdom, humility, self-sacrifice for the greater good, integrity, courtesy, poetry, laughter, and generosity of substance and spirit. It is these elements that I urge you to carry into your careers, and remember that the great game of life is not about money; it is about doing your best to build the world anew.

And that’s enough . . . at least for today.


John C. Bogle’s discourse ‘Enough’ provides an insightful analysis of the American economy’s evolution and its implications on the financial sector. His astute examination of the industry’s dominance, combined with his emphasis on ethical conduct and the notion of ‘enough’, serves as a valuable guide to future business leaders.

Bogle’s reflections encourage a balance between financial prosperity and moral responsibility, urging a rethinking of wealth pursuit and a focus on the broader societal good.


You can read the rest of the speech collection here:

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